Taking a cannabis tolerance break after the holidays

Taking a Cannabis Tolerance Break After the Holidays

The holidays are a time where all the rules go out the window. You spend three days in a row in your pyjamas, forget what day it is, and maybe smoke a little too much weed. There is nothing wrong with that, but it can be challenging for many folks to get back into their regular routine, so may need to take a cannabis tolerance break.

Many people do a dry January following New Year’s celebrations, which could also apply to cannabis consumption. Of course, it doesn’t have to happen in January, but let’s talk about why taking a cannabis tolerance break can be a good thing.

What is Tolerance?

Tolerance develops over time with continued consumption of a drug, like cannabis, alcohol, or even caffeine. What happens is a person’s body no longer responds in the same manner as it did previously, which can result in consuming higher doses to achieve the same effect. Not only can this be problematic for our bodies, but over time, it can get expensive.

man smoking cannabis before a tolerance break

What is a Cannabis Tolerance Break?

A cannabis tolerance break is the time spent away from consuming cannabis to clear one’s head and body of cannabinoids to counteract the impacts of building up a tolerance.

While some people choose to abstain from cannabis consumption during their tolerance break altogether, others change their consumption. Changing consumption may mean reducing the consumption rate, changing consumption methods, or switching from THC to CBD, for example.

Signs a Cannabis Tolerance Break is Right for You

How do you know whether or not taking a cannabis tolerance break may be right for you? Here are some things to consider.

  • You’re spending too much money on cannabis. This could be an indication your tolerance has gone up.
  • Your tolerance is increasing, and you’re noticing you regularly have to increase your dose to feel good.
  • You find yourself prioritizing cannabis consumption over other responsibilities. Or it’s resulting in you spending most of your time indoors and away from social interaction.
  • You feel guilty about your cannabis use.
person putting out a cannabis joint

How Long Should a Cannabis Tolerance Break Last?

There is no standard for a cannabis tolerance break ‘should’ last. People have different goals regarding their tolerance break, and what works for one person may not work for the next.

Taking a break for a few days can make a difference in tolerance; however, professionals recommend taking a break of 2-3 weeks to see a significant change. If the goal is to completely rid the body of cannabinoids to start fresh, it’s recommended to push past the two-week mark and aim for a 30-day tolerance break.

Don’t forget to set realistic goals to set yourself up for success. It’s okay if you only take a 2-3 day break this time, and maybe after a few months, consider taking a more extended break.

Keeping a cannabis journal can help you work up to a longer break as you’ll have a solid record of how the break made you feel.

Tips for a Successful Tolerance Break

If you’re planning to take a cannabis tolerance break, it’s important to set yourself up for success. So, think about what you’re personally going to need to help you get through this time. Here are a few things to get you started.

1 Remember that if you’re a regular cannabis user, it’s going to be challenging.

It’s not likely that you will experience a physical withdrawal as you might with other drugs, but that doesn’t mean it still won’t be challenging. Acknowledge this difficulty and do what you can to set yourself up for success.

2 Tell Your Friends

Tell all your friends and smoking buddies that you’re taking a break. It will be much harder to resist if you are offered, so removing this barrier can help.

3 Set a Specific Goal

Make your goal very specific. If you plan to abstain from cannabis completely, set an end goal with a specific date. If you plan to reduce your consumption, set specific times and amounts you can consume.

4 Remove Temptation

It will be very tempting to consume cannabis if it’s readily available, especially if it’s a part of your regular routine. Do everything you can to remove this temptation by getting it entirely out of sight. For some people, this may mean starting your break when you’re already out of cannabis and don’t have any left in the house. For others, this may mean putting it away in a place where you won’t regularly see it. Think about what you need to help curve your temptation. We would also recommend removing all cannabis-related products, such as gear you use for smoking.

5 Distractions

Find some ways to distract yourself during a cannabis tolerance break, particularly when you would regularly consume marijuana. Many people find being creative or getting active can help. For example, start a new morning routine or a new hobby to keep you occupied after work. Consider taking your coffee outside for a morning walk, doing yoga after work, or learning something new.

6 Remember Why You’re Doing This

Remembering why you’re taking a break can help you get through the more challenging moments. Improving your tolerance is likely to make your first dose back a ‘wow’ experience and will also impact your wallet over the next several months.

Think completely abstaining from cannabis would be too challenging? That’s okay; that’s very common. Instead, consider switching to CBD only for your tolerance break. Check out some of our CBD products.

If you enjoyed reading this article, check out our next piece on Cannabis and Fitness.

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