AA Weed
Buy Your Weed Online: AA strains
Do you want to buy weed online? Did you know that different grades exist when it comes to weed? AA weed strains are the standard “good weed”. They are almost perfect in its potency and flavours and are the weed of choice for new and occasional users. For your everyday enjoyment that has a high potent without paying too much for it, buy weed online that has the double-A grade. AA weed strains might not look as perfect as AAA or AAAA+, but it can still give you a pretty good high.
Ready to shop cannabis online? Take a look at our selection of AA weed strains below!
Are you a more confirmed smoker or even a connoisseur? AAA or AAAA+ weed strains might be perfect for you.
Buying cannabis online is made easy and safely with Puffland to help you. We guarantee that all our AA weed strains are of high quality.
Green Valley’s AAAA+ Purple Panty Dropper Smalls
What Is AA Weed?
AA Grade weed is not necessarily the best weed in terms of appearance, but it can still give you a pretty good high. This quality of weed will look a little weak, with relatively thin and brittle buds and still a fair bit of stem content. It’ll usually be much greener than higher quality strains, although some color might pop out. As such, mid-range weed is often a great choice for those who want a potent high without paying too much for it. That’s why it is recommended for non-connoisseurs.

The Canadian Weed Grading System
When it comes to the cannabis industry, you may find a variety of different grading systems depending on who the seller is. This is quite normal to find, although they can be very subjective. Reference has been made by others to a kind of “Good Better Best” system within cannabis grading. In Canada though, most retailers, including Puffland are using a single grading system with weed levels going from A to AAAA+, A strains typically being cheap but of poor quality, as opposed to AAAA+ which are the best you can find in in quality.

Can You Notice the Difference in Grade Levels and Does it Matter?
There is a big difference between the grade levels of cannabis: Taste, smell, and how it looks. A more experienced user will notice the difference when presented with these different grades, when a beginner light not notice the difference. The question of whether it matters is really down to you. As experienced users, we would certainly say that it matters a lot. Just as with many products, you want the best quality and experience with your purchase. If you want to experience the full quality and effects as they are described, then AAAA and AAA grades of cannabis really are the only choice you can make.