Cannabis and weight loss

Can Cannabis Help With Weight Loss?

In recent years, Cannabis (particularly CBD) has been connected to weight loss.

When you think about cannabis stereotypes, there are probably a few things that immediately come to mind. Most of us probably conjure up the image of a ‘stoner’ sitting on the couch watching trashy TV surrounded by a mountain of snacks. Of course, stereotypes come from somewhere, but this does not even come close to painting the entire picture of cannabis or cannabis users. There is so much diversity both among cannabis plants as well as cannabis users.

In a society that puts significant value on weight loss, which has resulted in numerous ‘get slim quick’ weight-loss schemes and fad diets, it’s vital to investigate the research behind weight-loss claims to make informed and healthy choices. In 2018, the weight loss industry was valued at an estimated $72 billion, and it has continued to grow, resulting in many companies banking on our interest in slimming down.

Before jumping into the research surrounding cannabis and weight loss, it’s important to note that speed should not be the focus when losing weight, health should. Therefore, no solution, including cannabis, should be used alone for weight loss. Cannabis should be part of a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and exercise routine.

Cannabis for Weight Loss – What the Research Says

While the research is still in the early stages, preliminary evidence suggests cannabis can support a person’s weight loss journey and support a healthier lifestyle.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) helps maintain homeostasis in the body and helps regulate many critical functions. Receptors in the ECS are present in the digestive system, including in the stomach. According to a 2008 study, the ECS can stimulate other areas of the body involved in metabolism, including the gastrointestinal tract and the endocrine pancreas. So, let’s look at how cannabis influences our digestive system, including appetite and metabolism.

Cannabis and Appetite

As mentioned earlier, with the stereotypes about cannabis, many people believe that cannabis increases appetite, which results in users getting the munchies. That isn’t necessarily always true; a 2018 study found medical cannabis users had a lower body mass index regardless of their calorie intake. Another 2012 study found that CBD decreased appetite in rats. Researchers have also recently pinpointed THCV as one of the cannabinoids that help with appetite suppression, so cannabis can stimulate weight loss. THCV is similar to THC but has a three-carbon group rather than a five-carbon group – it has been noted to have a slightly less psychoactive impact than THC.

More research is necessary to fully understand how cannabis and CBD impact appetite in humans, but we know various cannabis strains have a vastly different impacts on people, including their appetite.

If you notice that your favourite strain of cannabis gives you the munchies and you’re concerned about weight, ensure you have healthy snacks accessible before consuming cannabis. 

However, appetite isn’t the only factor that influences weight.

Cannabis and Metabolism

Studies have found that CBD impacts metabolism through converting ‘bad’ fats (i.e. white fats) into ‘healthier fats’ (i.e. brown fats). This process is called fat browning. Brown fat can contribute to weight loss because it burns easier.

Insulin level is another significant contributor to the storage of fat in the body. CBD helps to decrease fasting insulin (circulating levels of insulin). Higher circulating levels of insulin increase the conversion of glucose into fats made for storage.

These factors have been shown to decrease cholesterol levels in rats with obesity. More research is necessary to understand the relationship between cannabis and metabolism and how this relates to weight loss and metabolic disorders like diabetes, but it looks promising.

Best Cannabis Strains for Weight Loss

As of right now, it seems that strains that are high in CBD and/or THCV will be the most effective for weight loss and less likely to give you the munchies.

Strains that are high in THCV:

Strains that are high in CBD:

Cannabis and Exercise

As mentioned previously, exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle that can influence a person’s healthy weight. Cannabis can impact weight loss through appetite and metabolism and help improve the exercise experience, which can also contribute to fat burning and overall health.

What are the factors that impact exercise?

Exercise is often impacted by motivation, fatigue, anxiety, and post-exercise pain.

There are numerous reasons why a person may feel unmotivated or anxious about engaging in exercise, from lack of knowledge to body insecurities to high expectations. Managing this anxiety can not only help motivate initial engagement with exercise but help maintain an exercise routine. Cannabis can help manage anxiety; however, it’s important to only consume CBD before exercise to maintain personal safety while exercising.

Fatigue is another factor that can significantly impact motivation to exercise, particularly after a long day at work or if you’re trying to force yourself up early to exercise before work. Cannabis can help you get a better night’s sleep. Research has shown that CBD can help participants fall asleep faster and that the endocannabinoid system is involved in the sleep-wake cycle and sleep homeostasis.

Engaging in exercise can leave the body feeling stiff and sore, discouraging people from continuing to exercise. Using cannabis for post-workout recovery to manage inflammation and pain can help people feel more positive about their exercise routine and keep them coming back.

Remember that exercise doesn’t have to be intense – getting up and moving your body in any way that you can is a great place to start.

Final Thoughts

It’s critical to be skeptical of companies promoting “get slim quick” schemes, and it’s crucial to investigate the claims behind diets. Preliminary evidence suggests that cannabis, particularly CBD, can support weight loss but should be used as part of a balanced health and wellness routine.

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